Computer graphics

Keywords: charts decomposition, parameterization, tiling.
Abstract: Integrating geometrical and topological constraints in computer graphics field is an interesting way to solve several questions, e.g. obtaining a satisfying cutting of a surface in order to perform in an efficient way a conformal parameterization. I am also interested in adapting the theoretical algorithms in order to offer interactive adjustments to the infographist.
- since 2010: Silvia Biasotti, Marco Attene, Michela Spagnuolo, and the shape modelling group, IMATI, Genoa, Italy.
- J.-M. Favreau, S. Biasotti, V. Barra, M. Spagnuolo N-loop computation using scalar functions. In Curves and Surfaces. Avignon, France (2010). bibtex
- J.-M. Favreau, V. Barra Tiling surfaces with cylinders using n-loops. In IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI). Aix-en-Provence, France (2010). bibtex
- J.-M. Favreau, V. Barra Cutting an Organic Surface. In EuroCG'09. Brussels, Belgium (2009). bibtex
- J.-M. Favreau, V. Barra Low-resolution Surface Mapping: a Topological and Geometrical Approach. In EuroCG'09. Brussels, Belgium (2009). bibtex