Algorithmic geometry

Keywords: mesh, tiling, cutting, topological and geometrical constraints, algorithms.
Abstract: algorithmic geometry and topology provide a large number of abstract objects and algorithms to manipulate manifolds (surfaces, volumic objects), to extract information and/or modify it under several constraints.
Main activity
Algorithmic geometry and topology are the main fields I am working on.
- since 2010: Silvia Biasotti, Marco Attene, Michela Spagnuolo, and the shape modelling group, IMATI, Genoa, Italy.
- Alice Ahlem Othmani, Cansen Jiang, Nicolas Lomenie, Jean-Marie Favreau, Alexandre Piboule, Lew FC Lew Yan Voon A novel Computer-Aided Tree Species Identification method based on Burst Wind Segmentation of 3D bark textures. Machine Vision and Applications pp. 1–16. Springer. (2015). bibtex
- J.-M. Favreau, V. Barra Tiling surfaces with cylinders using n-loops. Computers & Graphics 35 (02/2011). doi web bibtex
- Oscar Acosta, Jurgen Fripp, Vincent Dore, Pierrick Bourgeat, Jean-Marie Favreau, Gaël Chételat, Andrea Rueda, Victor L. Villemagne, Cassandra Szoeke, David Ames, Kathryn A. Ellis, Ralph N. Martins, Colin L. Masters, Christopher C. Rowe, Erik Bonner, Florence Gris, Di Xiao, Parnesh Raniga, Vincent Barra, Olivier Salvado Cortical surface mapping using topology correction, partial flattening and 3D shape context-based non-rigid registration for use in quantifying atrophy in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 205 (1) pp. 96-109. (2011). doi web bibtex
- F. Gris, J.-M. Favreau, O. Acosta, V. Barra, O. Salvado A combined voxel and surface based method for topology correction of brain surfaces. In SPIE medical imaging. San Diego, California, USA (2010). bibtex
- J.-M. Favreau, S. Biasotti, V. Barra, M. Spagnuolo N-loop computation using scalar functions. In Curves and Surfaces. Avignon, France (2010). bibtex
- J.-M. Favreau, V. Barra Tiling surfaces with cylinders using n-loops. In IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI). Aix-en-Provence, France (2010). bibtex
- J.-M. Favreau, V. Barra Conformal Flattening of the Cortical Surface using a Topological and Geometrical Cutting. In SEECCM, South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics. Island of Rhodes, Greece (2009). bibtex
- J.-M. Favreau, V. Barra Cutting an Organic Surface. In EuroCG'09. Brussels, Belgium (2009). bibtex
- J.-M. Favreau, V. Barra Low-resolution Surface Mapping: a Topological and Geometrical Approach. In EuroCG'09. Brussels, Belgium (2009). bibtex