Research topics
Research fields

Keywords: mesh, tiling, cutting, topological and geometrical constraints, algorithms.
Abstract: algorithmic geometry and topology provide a large number of abstract objects and algorithms to manipulate manifolds (surfaces, volumic objects), to extract information and/or modify it under several constraints.
Applicative contexts

Keywords: generalization, graph simplification, GIS, data rendering
Abstract: tactile maps for blind people are usually handmade, in order to address specific needs. In this work, I'm interested in automatic generation of these maps, using the OpenStreetMap database.

Keywords: semantic, expert knowledge, labelling, segmentation.
Abstract: using semantic to drive data manipulation is an efficient way to integrate expert knowledge into the process. Ontologies are a useful and efficient way to describe semantic.

Keywords: charts decomposition, parameterization, tiling.
Abstract: Integrating geometrical and topological constraints in computer graphics field is an interesting way to solve several questions, e.g. obtaining a satisfying cutting of a surface in order to perform in an efficient way a conformal parameterization. I am also interested in adapting the theoretical algorithms in order to offer interactive adjustments to the infographist.

Keywords: MRI, segmentation, mesh reconstruction.
Abstract: pre and post-operative images like MRI can be modelized as voxel matrices, and a large number of algorithms from discrete geometry can be applied. Extracting a surface from such a description is also an interesting way to modelize the observed anatomical objects (organs, tissues, etc.) and facilitate the usage of geometrical and topological tools. I mainly worked on this approach, generating surfaces from the voxel description, then modifying the surface by integrating expert knowledge, related with geometry or topology, or extracting information to measure properties.

Keywords: shape estimation, point clouds.
Abstract: computer vision field is mainly motivated by linear or quasi-linear approaches of image processing, for example for shape estimation from image sequences. But it also need to introduce original point cloud or mesh processing to extract geometric properties.

Keywords: multifractal textures, texture generation, mesh processing.
Abstract: procedural textures permit to generate from a few number of parameter an infinite set of textures.